Top 25 Countries In The World That Celebrate New Year In 2024

A globe is the perfect venue for celebrating the New Year. If you want to know how the top 25 Popular countries in the world start celebrating New Year 2024, then look no further. Here are the top famous places to start a New Happy Year celebration.

New Year’s Eve is celebrated around the globe, some countries are renowned for their festivities and unique traditions. Here is a list of the top 25 countries that go all out to welcome the New Year.

List of best Top 25 Countries, Celebrate New Year in the world

1. Sydney, Australia:

Famous for its stunning fireworks display over the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge.

2. New York City, USA:

The Times Square ball drop is an iconic event watched by millions worldwide.

3. London, United Kingdom:

The Thames fireworks and the chimes of Big Ben mark the celebration in this historic city.

4. Paris, France:

The Eiffel Tower becomes a sparkling centerpiece for Parisian celebrations.

5. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil:

The Copacabana Beach hosts one of the world’s largest New Year’s Eve parties.

6. Tokyo, Japan:

Japanese celebrate by visiting temples and ringing bells 108 times for good luck.

7. Berlin, Germany:

The Brandenburg Gate is the focal point for Berlin’s lively New Year’s celebrations.

8. Dubai, UAE:

Known for its record-breaking fireworks and extravagant displays.

9. Edinburgh, Scotland:

The Hogmanay celebration lasts for days with street parties and traditional Scottish customs.

10. Moscow, Russia:

Red Square transforms into a winter wonderland with fireworks and festivities.

11. Cape Town, South Africa:

Celebrations often include beach parties and concerts.

12. Hong Kong, China:

Victoria Harbour hosts a spectacular fireworks show synchronized with music.

13. Bangkok, Thailand:

Countdown parties and traditional ceremonies are held throughout the city.

14. Istanbul, Turkey:

The Bosphorus Strait is lit up with fireworks in this transcontinental city.

15. Berlin, Germany:

The Germans celebrate with parties, concerts, and the iconic Berlin Silvesterlauf race.

16. Stockholm, Sweden:

    Celebrations include fireworks and the Skansen open-air museum's festivities.

17. Seoul, South Korea:

Bosingak Belfry rings 33 times, and locals participate in traditional ceremonies.

18. Vienna, Austria:

The New Year’s Concert by the Vienna Philharmonic is a cultural highlight.

19. Madrid, Spain:

     Puerta del Sol square hosts a lively countdown with the ringing of the clock.

20. Amsterdam, Netherlands:

Fireworks over the canals create a picturesque setting for celebrations.

21. Prague, Czech Republic:

Old Town Square hosts a festive atmosphere with live music and fireworks.

22. Auckland, New Zealand:

One of the first cities to welcome the New Year, often with fireworks at Sky Tower.

23. Reykjavik, Iceland:

Bonfires and fireworks are a significant part of Icelandic New Year traditions.

24. Havana, Cuba:

Celebrations include music, dancing, and festive gatherings in the streets.

25. Buenos Aires, Argentina:

Argentinians celebrate with family gatherings, fireworks, and traditional foods.

Best Places For New Years 2024

Sydney, Australia:

celebration of the New Year in Australia 2024

The celebration of the New Year in Australia is a vibrant and festive occasion mark by a unique blend of traditions. Breathtaking fireworks, and a lively atmosphere.

As the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, Australians across the country come together to bid farewell to the old year and welcome new year with joy. Sydney is on peak in the above top 25 countries In the world that celebrate New Year in 2024 is the top in the list.

New York City, USA:

New York's New Year celebrations in 2024

The diverse and inclusive nature of New York’s New Year celebrations reflects the city’s melting pot of cultures and traditions. People from different backgrounds come together to share in the joy of bidding farewell to the old year and embracing the possibilities of the new one. The celebrations in New York embody the city’s vibrant energy. Making it a destination of choice for those seeking an unforgettable New Year’s experience. In the top 25 countries in the world that celebrate new year in 2024 the USA is on the 3rd number that celebrate with joyful way.

London, United Kingdom:

new year celebration in London, United Kingdom 2024

One of the most iconic traditions associate with New Year’s Eve in the UK is the striking✨ of Big Ben at the Houses of Parliament in London. And this is  broadcast nationwide in UK.

Overall, the United Kingdom’s New Year celebration is a spirited and joyous occasion, bringing people together to celebrate the passage of time.

Paris, France:

Top 25 Countries In The World That Celebrate New Year In 2024

France’s most popular in New Year celebration, known as “Réveillon de la Saint-Sylvestre,”. It is offer a festive and culturally rich event that reflects the French penchant for good food, wine, and lively gatherings. New Year’s Eve, or “La Saint-Sylvestre,” is celebrated with enthusiasm across the country.

In essence, France’s New Year celebration is a delightful blend of cultural traditions, and a spirit of togetherness that captures the essence of French joie de vivre.

Tokyo, Japan:

japan new year fireworks 2024

Biggest new year celebration in the world known as “Oshogatsu,” is a deeply rooted and culturally significant event that holds great importance in the hearts of the Japanese people. While the Western New Year on January 1st is also celebrate, Oshogatsu, based on the traditional.
Top countries that celebrate new year in the world  the Japanese calendar, is a time of reflection, renewal, and familial bonds.

Another integral part of Oshogatsu is the giving of “otoshidama,” small envelopes containing money, to children. This act symbolizes good luck and prosperity for the younger generation.

The celebration continues into the first few days of January, with various cultural events, traditional performances, and the display of “kagami mochi” (round rice cakes) in homes, which symbolize the continuity of life.

Berlin, Germany:

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Germany Country is the popular New Year celebration, known as “Silvester,” is a festive and lively event marked by a mix of traditions, fireworks, and exuberant gatherings. The celebration is named after St. Sylvester’s Day, observed on December 31st, in honor of Pope Sylvester I.

One of the central elements of Silvester is the spectacular fireworks displays that illuminate the night sky across the country. In major cities like Berlin, Munich, and Frankfurt, public fireworks shows draw large crowds, and individuals often engage in private fireworks celebrations in their neighborhoods.

After the stroke of midnight, it is common for people to engage in a tradition known as “First-Footing” or “Dinner for One.”  You can do this by going to your friends or neighbors and bringing small gifts and greetings for the New Year.

 “Dinner for One” is a humorous sketch that has become a Silvester tradition in Germany, often televised on New Year’s Eve.

Dubai, UAE:

 New Year celebration in dubai 2024

Dubai is the part of Gulf countries and it is famous for its iconic skyline and world-renowned landmarks, and hosts one of the most spectacular New Year’s Eve celebrations. The Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, becomes the centerpiece of the festivities with a dazzling fireworks display✨.

Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE, also hosts grand New Year’s Eve celebrations. The Emirates Palace and Corniche are popular venues for fireworks displays, drawing large crowds to witness the sky illuminated in a symphony of colors✨. In the top 25 countries in the world that celebrate new year in 2024 the Dubai is prominent due to the burj Khalifa on the 8th number that celebrate with joyful way.

Hong Kong, China:

china in Top 25 Countries In The World That Celebrate New Year In 2024

The Chinese New Year festivities usually start with the Laba Festival, which occurs about a week before the New Year. Families come together to enjoy a special meal featuring a rice porridge known as “Laba Congee,” symbolizing the harvest and the beginning of preparations for the upcoming celebrations✨.

The first day of the lunar new year is filled with traditional activities, including the giving and receiving of red envelopes or “hongbao” containing money, symbolizing good luck and blessings.

The Chinese New Year celebrations extend for 15 days, culminating in the Lantern Festival☺❤.

Istanbul, Turkey:

celebrate New Year Eve in Istanbul 2024

Turkey’s New Year celebration, known as “Yılbaşı,” is a lively and festive occasion that combines traditional customs with modern revelry. New Year’s Eve is widely celebrated throughout the country, with a particular focus on major cities like Istanbul and Ankara❤.

One of the prominent features of New Year’s Eve in Turkey is the elaborate fireworks displays that illuminate the night sky✨.

Cities and towns host public firework shows, with iconic landmarks such as the Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul serving as stunning backdrops.

Stockholm, Sweden:

the top best country to see fireworks in Sweden 2024

Sweden’s New Year celebration, known as “Nytt År,” is a festive and spirit occasion that combines traditional customs with contemporary celebrations. Swedes welcome the new year with a mix of joyful☺ gatherings, fireworks, and cultural traditions.

One of the unique aspects of New Year’s Eve in Sweden is the tradition of watching speech delivered by the Swedish monarch. This televised address is a moment of reflection for many Swedes.

Seoul, South Korea:

South Korea country has the biggest New Year celebration

South Korea’s New Year celebration, known as “Seollal,” is a significant rich occasion that holds deep importance in Korean society. Further more it is the Western New Year on January 1st is also celebrated.  The Seollal, based on the lunar calendar, is a major holiday marked by various traditional customs and family-oriented festivities⚡.

Another essential aspect of Seollal is the practice of “Sebae,” where younger family members bow to their elders as a sign of respect. In return, elders often give blessings and sometimes provide “sedation,” monetary gifts, to the younger generation. This ritual underscores the importance of family bonds and the passing down of traditions South Korea country has the biggest New Year celebration.

Seollal also involves various cultural activities and games, such as “Yutnori,” a traditional board game, and “Ganggangsullae,”. Additionally the circular folk dance often performed during the holiday.

Madrid, Spain:

Spain is Top in 25 Countries In The World That Celebrate New Year In 2024

Spain’s New Year celebration, known as “Nochevieja,” is a lively and spirited occasion marked by a unique set of customs and traditions. The celebration is a vibrant reflection of Spanish culture, filled with joy, warmth, and a sense of community.

One of the best place from the top places for new years 2024 of the most iconic traditions during Nochevieja is the eating of 12 grapes at the stroke of midnight. Known as the “Las doce uvas de la suerte” (The twelve grapes of luck), each grape represents a month of the coming year

Amsterdam, Netherlands:

Top 25 Countries In The World,Netherlands Celebrate New Year In 2024

The Netherlands ushers in the New Year with a festive celebration✨ mark combination of traditional customs and modern revelry. The Dutch New Year’s Eve, known as “Oud en Nieuw,” is a lively and spirited occasion celebrated with enthusiasm across the country.

Another tradition in the Netherlands is the consumption of “oliebollen,” a type of deep-fried doughnut or fritter. Oliebollen, often dusted with powder sugar, is enjoy as a sweet treat during New Year’s celebrations. Many Dutch households prepare these delicious snacks as part of the New Year’s Eve festivities.

Prague, Czech Republic:

Top 25 Countries In The WorldCzech Republic Celebrate New Year In 2024

The Czech Republic welcomes the New Year with a lively celebration that blends traditional customs with modern festivities. New Year’s Eve, or “Silvestr” as it is known in Czech, is a time for joyous gatherings, fireworks, and cultural traditions.

One of the distinctive traditions in the Czech Republic is the custom of melting leads to predict the future.

“Molybdomancy,” this involves dropping molten lead into cold water, and the resulting shapes are interpreter to foretell what the coming year might bring. It’s a fun and popular activity among Czech families and friends as they look forward to the possibilities of the New Year.

In Prague, the capital city, Wenceslas Square and Old Town Square are popular gathering places for New Year’s Eve celebrations.

Auckland, New Zealand:

Top 25 Countries In The New Zealand Celebrate New Year In 2024

New Zealand welcomes the New as one of the first countries to enter the New Year due to its location near the International Date Line. New Zealand’s New Year’s Eve festivities are widely anticipate and celebrate✨.

The city of Auckland, situated on the North Island, hosts one of the country’s most iconic New Year’s Eve events. The Sky Tower, a prominent landmark, becomes the centerpiece of the celebration

Maori cultural elements often feature in New Year celebrations, adding a unique touch to the festivities.

Reykjavik, Iceland:

Top 25 Countries In The Reykjavik, Iceland Celebrate New Year In 2024

New Year’s resolutions are common in Iceland, with many individuals taking the opportunity to reflect on personal goals and aspirations for the coming year.

The Icelanders also uphold the tradition of “Áramótaskaup,” a satirical television comedy special that reflects on the events of the past year. In Icelandic New Year’s Eve, this popular program serves as a lighthearted way to mark the end of the old year.

Havana, Cuba:

Top 25 Countries In The Havana, Cuba Celebrate New Year In 2024

Cuba famous for its New Year celebration, known as “Fin de Año,” is a vibrant and lively occasion that reflects the country’s rich cultural heritage and the festive spirit of its people.

Cuba is known for its traditional music, dance celebrations on the year. The New Year’s Eve festivities hold a special place in the hearts of Cubans.

Havana, the capital city, comes alive with music, dance, and joyous celebrations on New Year’s Eve. As the new year begins, Cubans often carry the celebratory spirit into New Year’s Day. It is continuing with gatherings, music, and delicious meals. The warmth, rhythm, and exuberance of Cuba’s Fin de Año celebration the essence of the country’s cultural.  And the joy of welcoming a new year together.

Buenos Aires, Argentina:

Top 25 Countries In Buenos Aires, Argentina Celebrate New Year In 2024

Argentina’s famous New Year celebration, known as “Año Nuevo,”. It is a festive and spirited occasion marked by a unique blend of traditions, lively gatherings, and a vibrant cultural atmosphere.

One of the distinctive traditions in Argentina is the practice of eating 12 grapes at the stroke of midnight.

Fireworks displays are a central feature of Argentina’s New Year celebration. Discuss cities such as Buenos Aires, Cordoba, and Mendoza illuminate the night sky with colorful explosions spectacle✨. Argentina is the last in top 25 countries in the word that celebrate new year in 2024


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